The warning is alarming: Suddenly your WordPress login doesn’t work. An odd message displays: Site access has been locked for 24 hours! Tech support at your hosting service reports that someone in the Ukraine tried to hack the site by testing various passwords. After 30 attempts, the system locked the user out.
When you check to see if your site is still working, only the Home page comes up. Now what?
All sorts of wild speculations cross your mind. Why was the site compromised? How do I get it back? What could possibly make it a target for hacking?
A security breach like this is more common than you think. Your site can be hacked and used as a platform for taking people who go to your site to other sites like online gambling, sexual performance drugs, and pornography. One reason this happens is because the WordPress software application and plug-ins need regular updating. That’s how a hacker gains access to a site.
Basic maintenance guidelines
It’s important to understand that a WordPress site does require ongoing maintenance. Keeping on top of updates involves more than just clicking an Update button. That’s because WordPress sites are built using open code created by different developers. Incompatibilities in the code could result in vulnerability to hacking—especially if outdated plug-ins aren’t upgraded regularly to beef up security.
So a regular maintenance inspection is important to prevent site hacking and hijacking. Following is a checklist for a WordPress site:
- WordPress platform. This software runs the site.
- WordPress theme. This software gives the site its look and functionality.
- Plug-ins. These items help the site function and give it abilities to have such things as the contact form.
- Site back-ups. This includes the database and all site files. This is most important in case your site has to be restored.
- Without regular maintenance, your website is an easy target to be hacked and used as a conduit for gambling, sex drugs, and porn.
How long has it been since your site software was checked? I can upgrade all software, plug-ins and back up the database and files.
If you don’t mind your website, it won’t mind you!
P.S. I can keep your site safe and give you peace of mind. I encourage you to take action before it’s too late.